Citadel occasionally becomes aware of fraudulent websites, third-party applications (Apps), and instant messaging chat groups (e.g. WhatsApp, Telegram, WeChat) that are purported to be run by Citadel. These illegal schemes usually use the name and/or trademarks of our company without our authorization to induce people to join a chat group or download an App that is then used to defraud them.
The purpose of this notice is to alert the public to the nature of these fraudulent schemes and to warn the public that these third-party schemes are illegal and not authorized by Citadel. Citadel is not in any way associated with these fraudulent and illegal schemes.
Citadel and its affiliated advisers manage private investment funds that are not offered to the general public and our staff do not conduct business through these chat groups or Apps and websites.
We only accept investments and distribute capital through our Client and Partner Group. If you are contacted by any source offering an interest in a Citadel fund, please contact +1 312-395-3146.
When Citadel learns of these fraudulent schemes, we will endeavor to take appropriate action including alerting regulatory authorities and work with law enforcement to shut down the fraudulent schemes.
Relevant regulatory authorities (e.g. the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority, the Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission) also have a suspicious/ alert list that the public can check against.
Date: 28 November 2023